Saturday, December 22, 2007

the much anticipated day has arrived

School is out for winter break! What can I say ~~ I'm elated! Giddy excitement filled the halls of school yesterday for both the teachers and students. Each for their own reason were thrilled at the dawning of this day. Students looked forward to Christmas parties and endless bouts of sugar and mayhem, then of course to two weeks off school. Teachers looked forward to the dismissal bell ringing, then of course two weeks off school.

In Heather's class they were having a Polar Express party, which is why Heather and her teacher are wearing their pajamas. The anticipation of the party nearly killed the girl, I think. She looked forward to it so much and in pure "Heather-style" asked time and time again how many days it would be until the party. I popped in on her party and she was having a great time, along with all the other kindergarten kids. They were watching the movie and taking turns decorating sugar cookies to eat with hot chocolate. Later Heather reported that some kids were not watching the movie attentively. I asked her if she did and she said, "Yes, of course."

The party in Stephanie's room arrived with much less hype, but there was a flurry of excited tension nonetheless. Can you imagine taking a spelling test with the promise of sugar induced hysteria at the end of the day? Stephanie's room is next to mine. When I peeked in on her, her teacher gave me the shoot-me-now look and the kids rushed to the door to talk to me ~ something they are normally not allowed to do. Stephanie was excited to wear the hair bow she made at a slumber party a couple of weeks ago.

Then, there was the party in my room. A wonderful mom came and helped the students make this train out of candies and icing. This required concentration from the kids, so it wasn't too hectic ~ until the cupcakes after the pizza. They all thought it was funny when one kid got frosting all around their face...then, they all tried to follow suit. Then someone ran around the room with a cupcake in their hand. Whoa! That was enough. The Grinch almost stole their Christmas at that reckless decision.

All in all it was a good day. Students were sent off with a hug and a wish for a Merry Christmas. A big sigh could be heard through the empty halls of the school. :)

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