Tuesday, February 5, 2008

tea party

Heather had a tea party for her birthday party. She invited three girls, so with Stephanie there were just five. It was really a perfect little party. Upon arriving the girls put on their plastic bling and tiaras. Then the squealing and screeching ensued while they played for a little bit. 

The girls were treated to a "mini mani" complete with jewels and sparkly top coat. Stephanie insisted on painting her own while another mom and I took care of the rest. One little pair of hands is missing because she came late. Watch out boys of the future, these girls are getting used to the pampering pretty early on.

The girls pretended to put on airs while "tea" was served. They had chicken salad on croissants, carrots & cucumbers with dip, fruit, and fancy cookies. Oh, and don't forget the white grape juice, I mean, the tea. No rules here - get what you like - more cookies? No problem. Have two or three. It was difficult for them to act stuffy with their airs because there was a lot of whispering and giggling going on. 

Just in case they didn't get enough cookies earlier, there was cake and ice cream after the presents. This gorgeous butterfly cake was custom made to match the invitations. (No silly, not by me.) After this the girls played and played until they were each collected by their parents. Heather was sad to see everyone leave. She had a wonderful time and felt like a special princess at her tea party. I found out that even the simplest party can bring the greatest joy to a six year old.

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