Monday, March 17, 2008


Yesterday the boys from across the street stayed over for a long time. All 4 of the kids got along well and had a nice time playing, then watching a movie. There was some debate about which movie they would watch. Stephanie wrangled the 3-year old on her side and ambushed Heather. (The other boy had gone home for a little bit.) The children had a gourmet lunch of chicken nuggets and macaroni & cheese. Hey, I aim to please. Greg and I mostly stayed out of their way and spent a long time in the computer/craft room. He worked on the computer and I made some scrapbooky projects for Etsy. Just when I started taking pictures - poof! - no more camera battery. So there was no posting and no listing last night. All in all it was a very calm, jammie day. 

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