Sunday, March 23, 2008

eggs, hunts, and choo choo trains

Much to Heather and Stephanie's delight, the Easter Bunny showed up again this year! Stephanie left him a sweet note. They loved going through their baskets with new books, new dance outfits, and eggs fill with candy and coins. Stephanie, not being a rise-and-shine kind of gal, had a hard time smiling for pictures while going through her basket. She perked up for pictures outside during the egg hunt, though. 

The EB hid the eggs just a little harder this year. He apparently tried to camouflage them into their surroundings. There's no fooling Heather, though. She found the brown one in the rocks right away. We always tell her she's the best finder. If you've lost something around the house and employ her help, she will probably find it before you. 

This year the EB also worked his way down the side of the house, almost going into the backyard. But, alas, no grass yet. Next year, EB there will be lots of grass back there.

Here they are displaying all their eggs.

After a breakfast feast of boiled eggs and candy (hey, breakfast of champions), we prettied up and headed to church with with Danny & Paulette. For various reasons (yard, yard, and oh yeah, yard), we haven't been to church since Christmas. 

Then we headed over to Papa Robinson & Grandma Tona's for lunch and more egg hunting. The girls were so excited because they love looking for eggs in their huge back yard. Grandma Tona spoiled them with 75 eggs total. Wow! Papa had to go to the store to get ice and Heather asked when the hunt would be. Tona told her when Papa got back he and Daddy would hide the eggs. No sooner had he returned and sat down outside did Heather bring him the big bowl of eggs and plop it on the table in front of him. There was no hinting around here, she wanted an egg hunt. 

The girls were in a full sprint at times, rushing to find the eggs. They had such a great time. Other years, there are other cousins over for the hunt who seem a little more aggressive in the egg hunt (well, they're boys). This year it was just the two of them so they had the run of the yard to themselves. Pure delight, let me tell you. 

Heather and Stephanie both reached for the same egg at the same time. Heather was slightly quicker!

This is a rare picture of Jim actually smiling nicely. Usually when a camera comes his way he makes goofy faces. 

After the egg hunt the kids gorged on candy, then we ate lunch (wrong order? oh well). We had some delicious ham, au gratin potatoes, beans, deviled eggs, and strawberries. 

Greg and I were were in the house doing something on the computer with Tona. Papa played croquet with the girls. At one point I went out back and saw this:

All aboard! They were playing train. Papa was no doubt the engine. A few minutes later he came in, looking worn out, only to be followed by the two beauties wondering when the next train was leaving the station.

All in all it was a great day. Quiet, relaxing, and full of so much joy. 

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures. I'm glad everyone had a good time. I'm also glad Stephanie and Heather figured out they can make their other grandma and papa do whatever they want them to (see picture of James pulling wagon). However, the most important question still remais to be answered: Who found the most Easter eggs?


What do you have to say for yourself?