Saturday, March 22, 2008

in case you were wondering

Was anybody wondering where I was yesterday? I fully intended to post and even had Stephanie take the daily picture for me. However, after a fun filled day of errands and working at school when I didn't want to, I found myself with a migraine. The headache started before I left the house in the morning and just got worse. It was one of those where you have yourself convinced that crushing blows to the skull with a hammer would be ultimately more pleasant than what's currently going on in your head. So I ate some soup and put myself to bed with a cold pack before anyone else in the house. Those of you who know me well, know that I've got to be hurting for that to happen, since I love to stay up late!

On a positive note, my new glasses were ready well before they were supposed to be. How do they look? Don't mind the many chins because of the pose angle!

I was at home, in the same room with Greg, and conversing for over an hour before I asked him if he noticed anything different. He said he did notice but didn't think much of it. Ok, that's good really because they must look natural on me. They are the boldest frames I've ever had. I usually try to get the ones that disappear on your face because I didn't want to draw attention to the fact I was wearing glasses. I even had some clear frames once (it might have been the 80s). This time I decided to be bolder with my choice. 

Notice the lipstick in the picture? I had just freshly applied gloss only. The lipstick is Cover Girl Outlast - something new. This picture was taken after eating lunch. I used a napkin as usual and the color was still there! In fact, when I woke up this morning, it's even still a little bit there. It comes with a color and a gloss. You just reapply the gloss periodically. But you'd put gloss, chaptstick, or more lipstick on anyway, right? Colors that stay all day are usually dry and cakey. This one is not too dry and not cakey at all. Go right out and buy yourself some. Kim, don't you go get any. The first color I bought was all wrong for me, so I sent it to you (one errand yesterday was the post office). 

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