Saturday, March 29, 2008

shopping with one

A few weeks ago I took Heather shopping with me. Taking one kid with me is never a problem. Two at a time can sometimes try every ounce of patience I have because they play games in the stores which means they get louder and louder, then make more noise than I'm ok with. Eventually they end up bickering about something which totally grates on my nerves. At some point they quiz me about how many more stores (even though I usually give them a full run-down on the places we will be going) or how many more items we need. To which I usually reply, "Until I'm done." Heather had mentioned how much fun she had that day so I thought I'd take her again. In fact, we were at a Mervyn's the other day trying to find some pajamas for me for pajama day (no luck there) when Heather and Stephanie were starting in on each other. When I told them to knock it off, Heather announced to Stephanie that she likes shopping alone with Mommy because she gets in trouble while Stephanie is there. Oooh, not nice. 

Today Stephanie was regrouping from a sleep over and wanted to stay home with Daddy, so Heather and I headed out to do our shopping. I asked her where she wanted lunch. She picked McDonald's. I tried and tried to talk her into something else, but she really wanted it. I gave in and had a belly ache all afternoon. We had a nice time shopping and she didn't complain once about how long it was taking.

When we got home she asked me to tell Daddy that she was a big girl in a "loud, clear, and nice voice." I did.

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