Wednesday, March 5, 2008

sleeping in the jello

The kids have been playing outside a lot lately since Greg has been working in the yard. You know how the sun and the outside air tire the monkeys out, right? Yesterday Greg surprised me (another story there) with an extra 4 days off. Next week is his scheduled vacation. He needed to take his personal days and floating holidays before May, so he was able to schedule them next to his week of. So, the kids played outside again yesterday. Plus they had dance class in the evening. I guess this was all just too much for little Heather. She fell asleep during her dessert. She is always asking me to make jello. She likes jello. I keep forgetting to make the jello. In my brief moment of Perfect Motherhood yesterday, I remembered to make the jello. Apparently she doesn't like this jello. The cherry kind?  This brand? (Ok, so it was the cheaper Disney brand.) Who knew?

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