Sunday, April 20, 2008

baby shower

Yesterday, the kids and I went to Carlee's baby shower. Carlee has had a hard time of this pregnancy. There was a tear in her uterus, her cervix had to have a stitch, and she's spent the last month or so on bed rest. Needless to say, she is ready for her baby girl to come in early July. 

Carlee is truly glowing. She will probably protest, but she is all baby. You can't even tell she is pregnant if you can't see her bump. 

The kids had a great time. Of course they got the be-good-or-I'll-beat-you-later lecture before we went. Carlee's mom anticipated kids at the shower so all the kids had to look in the sand for gold coins to redeem a prize of bubbles. What a great way to occupy the kids! Stephanie and Heather particularly loved the seesaw.

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