Tuesday, April 15, 2008

just a little crush

For those of you who don't already know, the littlest monkey in this house is boy crazy! She's only in kindergarten and is totally crazy about boys! She will often tell me that someone she sees is so cute. I'm a little scared for us later. We will have to chain her in her room when she is a teenager. 

At Suzanne's wedding this weekend she developed a 6-year old crush on Mary Ann's boyfriend, Scott. She was supremely flirting with him, complete with the coy look and little giggle. Where did she learn this stuff? He played along and flirted right back. She was in heaven. If I'm not mistaken, I think they even had some actual conversation during dinner. It was so cute. She wanted me to take her picture with him and you can see that she is absolutely giddy. 

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