Sunday, June 15, 2008

happy father's day

Happy Father's Day to all you dads and dads-to-be out there!

Greg instructed us all to not wake him up this morning. Whether or not we made it to church would just have to wait to be seen. We didn't. One by one, we all snuck out of the room (sleepover in our room last night). Finally I started Greg's favorite breakfast of bacon, biscuits, and gravy. I had to start it so we'd be finished in time to get ready for lunch. Huh?

We met the whole family gang at Macaroni Grill for a combination Father's Day & Wendy's birthday lunch. Greg and the kids announced they weren't very hungry so they all shared. I, however, paced myself during breakfast. Heather managed to con (wasn't very hard) Uncle Tony out of shrimp and lobster ravioli. We have all agreed that she will be an expensive date when she's older!

At lunch Stephanie asked if we could take naps when we got home. Ahhh, music to Daddy's ears. She looks kinda sleepy here, but I just got her mid-blink. We napped and poked around the house the rest of the day. Greg was on the computer...imagine that! Greg said he had a nice day.

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