Monday, June 2, 2008

stop waiting for it to be perfect

Some of the wall areas in our house have been bare for, well, forever.  At first, I didn't want to hang stuff until we painted. Well, we painted years ago. Then I was waiting for the perfect...the perfect what? For this area near the front door I wanted to find a little cabinet. I didn't think I should hang stuff because I wasn't sure how tall the cabinet would be. I found a wonderful little cabinet in an ad for a magazine. I found some cabinets that would do while shopping for other furniture, but they were so expensive. Why can't it cost something like $20-30! That's totally in my budget. Can't you work with me here?

I decided that I do have some perfect stuff. I should just hang it instead of waiting since it looks like this chair will be here for an extended amount of time. This is my favorite chair that is now the wrong color. That's another story.

The grouping by the door bothers Greg because it is not all the same height. If he had it his way each item would hang gallery-style, in a line, marching across the wall. I informed him that I did get out the tape measure and the entire grouping is centered in the space.  

Greg told me that I hung these pictures too low. They're not. They will connect nicely with the chair I have that needs to be refinished & painted that will go under the light switch. I also told him that they should be hung at eye level (the right one is at my eye level - uh, roughly). He scoffed at that statement and asked me whose eye level. Well, not the giant's eye level, mister. 

Can you see the stairway in the mirror? Well, after this had been hanging for about a day Greg thanked me for hanging the mirror at his eye level so every time he comes down the stairs he thinks someone is in the house. Someone his same height and build. This guy would be hard to take if he had to, he said.

I'm tired of waiting for everything to be perfect. It never will be, so I am trying to embrace what is just good. No need for perfection all the time. I hung an empty frame this weekend too. I needed a mat for a photo. When I was buying mats, the store was out of that size. I haven't been to the frame store since. I thought I found the right size at the craft store. Nope. Wrong size. Since I was in the hanging mode, I just hung the frame anyway. It's imperfection will drive me to fix the problem sooner than a blank wall would. We hope, anyway.

If we had good china, I'd be getting that out for dinner tonight!

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