Sunday, September 21, 2008

catch me if you can

Look at these! A little bit out of the box for me, don't you think. Afterall, they aren't all white. Or they aren't all white with a little pink on them. I think they're pretty cool.

So about 270 months ago, I bought a Nike sportband with the hopes of getting it in gear and keeping track of my walking. Not that I was doing any walking at the time. But I was going to start. Honest. I somehow failed to realize that I really did have to have the special shoes to put the sensor inside. I thought I could just slip it into my regular walking shoe. Not so much. It hurt and didn't even work. Slip it in the cuff of my sock? Not that either.

Frustrated I repackaged it to send back for a refund. And there it sat. For 269 months. I never sent it back. Now my window of opportunity was up. Crap! Oh, I know! I'll just sell it on eBay. I won't get the full amount for it, but I'm thinking something is better than nothing. Still it sat.

On Labor Day weekend we were in a shoe store getting new P.E. shoes for Stephanie. I found the Nike display and started eye-balling the shoes. They weren't as expensive as I thought they would be for the shoe for the neat little compartment to hold the sensor. And look at these! So cute! Greg asked and found out that we were still the proud owner of a Nike sportband. After a few eye rolls (which I probably deserved) he told me I'd just better get the shoes.

Tonight I went on my first walk with them ~ after dark. That's ok, don't worry, I took Heather with me for protection. You know, safety in numbers. We walked 1.06 miles in 24 minutes. Heather counted 24 crickets. That averages to a cricket a minute. Two dogs barked at us from behind their fences. All in all it was a good walk.

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