Tuesday, November 18, 2008

dinner and the theater

Friday night the girls and I joined some other teachers and their daughters for dinner and the theater. 

First we went to Olive Garden. As always, Stephanie and Heather enjoyed themselves. Like their mother, they love to go out to eat. 

We saw a local production of Beauty and the Beast. It was amazing! The costumes were creative and detailed. It was a long show, but all the kids were well behaved and interested the whole time. Heather ended up laying in my lap for about 10 minutes toward the end, but then realized she was missing the show.

The cast came out to the lobby afterwards. The girls loved that! They got to sit on one of the "chairs" who was in the play. 

And, of course, they schmoozed a little with Belle and the Beast.

1 comment:

  1. This picture is great. Beauty and the Beast are really in character. But, who are the two people on the left and right <- ->?


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