Wednesday, November 19, 2008

it's better with a plan

Most nights Greg calls me on his way home from work. I love this call. I like knowing he's on his way home and this is the first time we are really able to talk all day. In the morning he gets up with minimal time to spare. Not so much talking. Even when the call is brief, I look forward to it.

However, there is one question that always comes with the call. I dread this question because up until his call I have probably been focusing on work or something else, not the answer to this question ~ WHAT'S FOR DINNER? About 80% of the time, my answer is ~ I DON'T KNOW. Then I have to scramble to think about what I want to eat, what other people want to eat, what I want to make, what will be quick.

Each week at work I have to make a lesson plan for the next week. There have been weeks where the plans were sketchy at best. Those weeks are really some of the hardest weeks to teach. I don't have a goal and no real direction. I feel like I am floundering the whole time. Having a plan is better.

So it would make sense to have a plan for the meals, right? There have been weeks when I made a menu plan, but most weeks I don't. The menu plan focuses my shopping. The menu plan takes the pressure off of me when I am asked that question. I can say firmly what I will be cooking or give some specific options.

This week I made a plan. There are many bloggers who list their weekly meal plans. I like to look at those to get new ideas. So I am sharing my plan in case you need some fresh dinner ideas. For dinner this week we can choose from:
  • stew
  • spaghetti & meatballs
  • sour cream chicken enchiladas
  • sloppy joes
  • chinese chicken stew
  • chicken cordon bleu
  • beef skewers
We let the kids make a list of what they want for dinner and some of their choices have been included in the list.

What's on your menu plan this week?

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