Sunday, January 18, 2009

a new goal

Normally, I don't like to share the goals I set. I don't have a good track record of meeting my goals, so I don't like to advertise the disappointment. That's probably why people share goals ~ the whole idea of accountability.

In November I told you I had achieved my reading goal of 24 books for the year. By the end of the year, I reached 27 books. Now you know my goal for this year has to be higher, right? So I started thinking about what it should be. Three books a month seemed a little more than I could accomplish. I don't get to sit home and read books while eating ice cream all day.

While pondering my goal, it occurred to me that I should share this goal with my students. I'm always looking for a new way to pimp encourage reading. If they know that I have a goal, maybe they'll be receptive to a goal themselves. I took it to the kids and told them that I was deciding between two goals for 2009 ~ 30 books or 32 books. I let them pick. You know what happened. My book reading goal for 2009 is 32 books. That's ok, small people, I'll remember your lofty expectations of me while I'm helping you set your reading goals!

Now ~ if you'll excuse me ~ I've got to go read.

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