Monday, February 9, 2009

it was a simple request

For her birthday, Aunt Wendy and Grandma & Papa gave Heather Disney Dollars so she could pick out her own present at Disneyland. She was thrilled at the prospect. She announced that her first purchase would be a big pickle. We reminded her that her dollars would buy much more than a pickle. We'd even buy her the pickle. But she was determined that she should to buy herself a pickle.

Ah, easier said than done! We spied a bucket of pickles just after breakfast near the Jungle Cruise. She was ready to pounce! We steered her away from the bucket because it was right after breakfast and she had declared already that her pancakes filled her up. Imagine that combo ~ Mickey Mouse pancakes & a pickle ~ slogging around in her little belly.

Little did we know that we should have let her have the pickle! It was raining that day, so all attempts to find the little fruit stands that sell the pickles later on were futile. We looked and looked and asked and asked. She talked about that pickle. She salivated at the idea of the pickle. She just wanted a pickle.

Well into the evening, when it was raining no more, we found a bucket of pickles. Hallelujah! The angels began to sing as Heather paid the $2.75, using her Disney Dollars, for that crunchy, juicy pickle!

It was such a simple request ~ one that almost became impossible to fulfill.

Coincidentally, that bucket of pickles? It was the same place where we first saw them earlier that morning.

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