Saturday, March 21, 2009

the last day

Yesterday was our last day of weekday track break. Monday we go back to school. So what did we do?

I made cookies. I don't make cookies often enough in Greg's opinion. I've been trying not to buy cookies because store cookies are more expensive and have a bunch of preservatives. I'd been promising this batch the whole break. Sorry, honey. Better late than never?

Heather played babies while Stephanie watched t.v. See that white lump on the couch? Stephanie is under that blanket.

I did the dishes. Miracles never cease!

The kids played in the backyard ~ swinging and blowing bubbles. But not before there was a little clothing drama complete with tears. Stephanie could not find any play clothes bottoms. All she managed to find was some sweats and some pants that didn't fit right. I told her to go through her drawers and pick a pair of shorts that are too small for school now. Heather offered Stephanie a pair of her play shorts and reported a few minutes later that Stephanie said they looked hideous (never mind too small). Huh? Last time I checked the fashion police are not coming in our backyard to approve of your swing set ensemble. We finally found a suitable pair of shorts. They may or may not have been in the dirty clothes hamper.

The kids made mini pizzas for lunch and ate outside. This is a fun lunch for them to make. They are usually very meticulous about placing their ingredients on the muffin.

I made these bandana skirts for the girls from this tutorial. The tutorial says they are for girls age 2-3. I just made the contrast layer at the bottom longer to fit the kids' height and these probably don't gather as much as a younger child's might. They were pretty easy to make. They will be nice for spring and summer. I'm thinking about making up a few more for the shop.

I also managed to make dinner, talk to Greg, read a little, read a few blogs, and catch up on a few television shows. All in all, it was a good day.


  1. they turned out so cute! thank you for the link back to the tutorial!

  2. happy last weekend of track break. my high schooler is off for spring break - yippee
    love those skirts - will look for them in the store for the summer :)


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