Tuesday, April 14, 2009

the way we do it

The night before Easter is always egg coloring time at our house. The night before that, the kids spent the night at Grandma & Papa's. They came home a little earlier than usual for a weekend sleepover. I'm thinking they were afraid they were going to miss out on the egg coloring!

We told them we'd do it after dinner. They hounded us about when we were having dinner. We kept telling them we were having dinner very late. We even told them we didn't think we'd be having dinner at all. Hee hee.

The moment finally arrived! I didn't think they were going to last a minute longer. The kids were fed, showered, and jammied up ~ ready to go.

First, you have to read the directions because mommy can never remember how much vinegar to put in. Of course, since they are reading ages, I made them read the directions.

You need some coloring tablets.

Mix it all up. Get pretty close so you can get a good whiff of that vinegar too!

Grab a couple dozen boiled eggs. Just a little while earlier in the evening Heather asked me if I needed to boil the eggs and how long that would take. I told her it took a little while to boil the eggs, then they needed to cool all the way. It might take a long time. In all seriousness and fear we'd never get to coloring, she told me I'd better get them started! Lucky her I boiled the eggs in the morning.

Rummage through the drawer to find last year's dipper. Luckily someone finally had the foresight to save a dipper from the last year since we have two children and the box only has one dipper. Eventually, we do learn our lessons.

Have at it! The kids are pros at this now. They know what to do. No more hand-holding-egg-coloring here. They make their own creations at their own pace.

They love the crayon resist technique. I always color some eggs with special messages to them. Heather's didn't turn out quite as vivid this year.

All done! Heather wrote a note to the Bunny asking him to hide the eggs in the backyard this year. She left an invitation for him to eat some of the jelly beans that were on the counter.

1 comment:

  1. That is exactly how I did it growing up!
    Just because I think you might think this is fun....I just ran across this last night, so too late for me to try



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