Tuesday, May 12, 2009

totally spoiled

I'm one spoiled mama!

It all started Friday evening. Greg picked the kids up from school so they could plan and shop. I stayed at school ~ all by myself ~ and got some work done around the classroom. Work I never seem to have time to do, like reorganize the bookshelves because they were a mess. And rearrange the desks because those 2nd graders are being too talkative during working times. They called me later and gave me the "all clear" to come home. It was nice to spend some time working in my room without worrying about whether the kids are getting bored and without mediating some bickering! Oh, they were charged with anticipation when I got home. At dinner I jokingly asked, "So what did you get me for Mother's Day?" Heather almost told me! But not before she got the stink-eye from Greg and Stephanie!

On Saturday Greg helped the girls wash my car. He got a little frustrated, so I don't know if that will be happening again any time soon. Well, once was nice, I guess.

Before bedtime I was presented with a menu of breakfast choices and asked to circle what I wanted for the next morning. Breakfast in bed on Mother's Day has become a tradition over the years. Making my choices reminded me of being in the hospital with them and choosing my meals.

Sunday morning included breakfast in bed. First, there was the appetizer of strawberries and cantaloupe. After which I could choose to read, sleep more, or watch tv while they finished the rest of the breakfast. I chose reading. Breakfast was served family-style on a huge platter. In previous years the kids would bring me breakfast and sit on the bed with me to see if I liked everything. Then they'd give me that look ~ that baby-bird-and-mama-has-a-worm look. So I'd feed them in between my bites. This year, Greg had them put a lot on one big plate and we all had our own fork.

After breakfast they presented me with gifts. First the cute gifts they made at school. Heather made a pretty little magnetic frame with her photo inside. Stephanie's class made a cookie mix. So sweet. With grand gestures, the kids gave me the presents they picked out on Friday night. They bought me a purse, a purse hook, and a bracelet. All so pretty. Stephanie told me that she knew I needed another purse. That's my girl! Greg rolled his eyes. Stephanie understands my love for purses, whereas Greg is certain that one purse for a lifetime would be plenty. In fact, why aren't pockets good enough? He doesn't understand.

Later in the afternoon we headed over the Paulette's to spend some time with her and the new mama, Wendy. Of course, we got to snuggle and giggle with this little guy.

I can't pass up an opportunity to get a few photos.

Gavin and the girls have started a mutual admiration society. They simply adore each other. Heather even lets him pull on her hair even though she's such a tender head. She just smiles and coos at him, waiting for someone to rescue her locks from the baby death grip.

This was a great Mother's Weekend. Apparently I got whatever I wanted just by invoking those two little words ~ Mother's Weekend. I'm going to try it this next weekend and see if it still works.

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