Friday, July 10, 2009

where have you been?

Where have you been? I've missed you!

Oh. Right.

I was the one who was gone.

I've just spent the last week at the beach and did not see the likes of a computer except when my sweet brother-in-law, Tony, let me use his laptop with his phone internet connection (because I've got to be complicated) to post something for an online class I'm taking.

I did nothing responsible for the whole week other than making sure my children were fed, bathed periodically, slathered in sunscreen - except the parts I missed - and not drowned in the ocean. Even then, Greg was largely responsible for the not drowning part.

I finished a book, read another whole one, and started a third.

There are pictures, but they aren't uploaded to the computer yet. Then it might take me a whole year to go through them all.

I managed not to sunburn my lily-white body (for the most part) until yesterday. I was having so much fun in the waves, I forgot to reapply my sunscreen. Now I am lobsterish.

I'm glad to be home and even took a mini-nap in my own bed as soon as we got here. But now I'm overwhelmed with *real life* because:
  • I go back to work on Monday.
  • I still have not finished that big, big, big project.
  • I didn't pay bills before I left - really gotta do that.
  • I am now behind on my online class assignment for this week because I pretended the rest of the world didn't exist unless there was sand involved.
  • All the stuff that was jammed into our car for the trip is now in my living room and needs to be dealt with. Blech!
  • I'm going to have to go grocery shopping.
  • I started having *school dreams* while we were gone. I'll tell you more about that later.
  • Did I mention there's a bunch of laundry to do?
On the bright side:
  • I'm sure I will live.
  • Only four more weeks of this school year.
  • I still have two days of my track break left.
  • I'm getting good grades in my online class.
I'll be back later with pictures and more coherent tales of our adventures. Until then, don't forget to reapply your sunscreen!

1 comment:

  1. I love the beach so much.

    And I really love how all that salt water and sand in your swimsuit makes you lose all sense of reality.

    Blissful, really.


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