Tuesday, September 22, 2009

strangely quiet

Shh ~ can you hear the crickets chirping?

It's been strangely quiet these days around here. Maybe for a couple of reasons. I've been trying to get things ready for the craft shows.

Plus, I kind of haven't had much to say. I know! Odd to hear those words coming from my mouth, huh?

So today I'm boring you with more pictures of my crafts. Keep looking. Do you notice a trend here? I start using a set of fabrics and just about use it until I only have a 2 inch square scrap left.

Bad news at work yesterday. Our numbers are low. Yay us!

Except, notsomuch.

We are losing two teachers. One is a first grade teacher. But first grade numbers are higher than second grade numbers. So one of our second grade teachers is taking over the first grade class. Her second grade class will be divided among the rest of us. At the end of the week I will get a couple more students. I knew the 15 kids in my class was way too good to be true. The hardest part, really, is integrating those kids into the routines and community we already have set up.

We will miss our teachers.

We all pretty much saw this coming.

In kid related news ~ Stephanie's birthday is coming up. She's going to be 10. Holy cow. I can hardly believe it.

I have to sit down. I think I'm getting the vapors.

She's turning into such a wonderful young lady. Not surprising since she's always been a wonderful girl.

Yesterday we were discussing what treats she'd like to take to school on her birthday. She mentioned cupcakes, but then noted that she always takes cupcakes. So we decided on mini cheesecakes. She was thrilled when I mentioned it.

I think Heather might want those to take to school when her birthday rolls around.

Last night at dance, Stephanie and Heather were dressed the same. One of the other moms asked me if I always dress them alike. A lot of the time, yes. Usually same type of outfit, different color. She told me to enjoy it while I still can because her oldest daughter told her to stop dressing her sister like her. I'm happy the kids still want to dress alike.

And they don't every day. Just frequently.

Today starts another round of Assistant Principal interviews. Our AP decided to up and leave us for her own school. Sheesh! The nerve. My principal invited the grade level chairs to sit in on the interviews for a new AP. Only me and another person took her up on that offer. I feel honored to have a say.


  1. I almost couldn't' read the words for being distracted by the pictures. You make some beautiful items. I'm TRYING to get my craft groove back on (I sewed as a child) and I'm finding it takes a lot of patience, but I'm really enjoying it.

  2. Your stuff is gorgeous. You have an etsy shop, right? I'm needing some Christmas presents (and some for-me presents)....you may be a busy lady.

  3. Im thinking Christmas too - really cute stuff Andrea!


What do you have to say for yourself?