Saturday, November 21, 2009

there have been better posts than this

I'm blank. My mind is just mush.

I feel like I'm out of important things to say. Not enough for a real blog post.

I'm working on a tutorial for you ~ but it's not ready yet.

I've been busy, but don't seem to have much to show for it.

Here's what's been going on this past week:

  • I stayed up until 1:30 a.m. Monday morning to finish a book. I was very sad to see 4:30 a.m. roll around.
  • I started and finished another book since Monday night.
  • Parent/Teacher conferences were this week. I had 100% attendance from my parents. They all wanted to come see the crazy woman their kids spend the day with.
  • Greg and I went to Parent/Teacher conferences for Stephanie and Heather. Their teachers had such nice things to say about them and they both got straight As. Yay, girls!
  • I dropped off my crafts to a home holiday boutique and hoped for the best.
  • I got to snuggle Suzanne's baby two days in a row. He loves his Auntie Andrea.
  • I worked a shift at the boutique on Friday night. I helped these three older ladies buy lots of stuff by taking their stuff up to the front so they'd have free hands to fill up again. I looked for matching items for them. They were pretty funny. Not one of the items they bought was something I made.
  • I took the kids to a skating birthday party today after I spent the better part of the morning goofing off and sewing the birthday girl her very own apron.
  • I fetched my items from the boutique tonight. I came home with less than I took. I'll find out later this week how well I fared.
  • Tomorrow I'm cleaning like a mad woman in preparation for the Thanksgiving feast that will be at our house this year. I'm still working out the menu. I'd like to try some new stuff this year. Brussels sprouts anyone? hee hee
  • Stephanie has D.A.R.E. graduation this coming week. How did she get old enough for this?
  • Stephanie also has her winter program this week. She's singing in the choir. I will be misty-eyed in the audience. It's so early because we won't have school in December.
  • I am counting down the days (3 school days left) until track break. Then? Oh glorious track break! We won't go back to school until January. Hot diggety!
That's all for now.

1 comment:

  1. But none more informative....I laughed that you helped the women buy other peoples' product. Sounds like the time when I sold Mary Kay and yet I took a girlfriend and talked her into spend $300 at the Sephora counter.

    I'm counting days 'til track break as well - I'm on the same schedule you are, so I'm looking forward to a month of getting stuff done at a leisurely pace for Christmas.


What do you have to say for yourself?