Monday, December 7, 2009

hours and hours of fun

We bought Stephanie and Heather skates for Stephanie's birthday. For the longest time they skated around the house with them. We bought them for outside or the roller rink, but the novelty of skating in the house took a while to wear off. A few weeks ago they went to a birthday party at the rink with their new, fancy skates. No more house skating with those dirty wheels!

Friday they took their skates outside.

For hours.

It was soooo cold outside. And the wind was blowing off and on. But they didn't care. They skated for over 5 hours!

I made them wear a bigger coat over the light jackets they put on. Next thing I know, the coats were laying on the porch. Then, I looked out and they had taken off their jackets too. Stephanie had a tank top on and Heather was down to her t-shirt.

They had a great time experimenting with the slope of our driveway. They also found out that the neighbor's shorter driveway has a steeper slope and was more fun to make a squatting train. Hope he didn't mind!

They stopped long enough to eat snacks and then lunch outside.

It was one of those great getting along kind of days. They had a ball. Although they like the roller rink, I think they had more fun outside, figuring out what they can do with their skates with no big kids to mow them down.

And when they were finally frozen and tired, they came in they had a long, warm shower.

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