Monday, December 28, 2009

menu plan monday ~ december 28

There are a lot of weeks when I make a menu plan and do not completely stick to it ~ for whatever reason. Sometimes I don't feel like making what's on it when the time actually comes. Sometimes I think of something else I'd rather eat or something else that's a little quicker.

Last week, I completely stuck to the plan! Totally unbelievable. See what can happen when I don't have to work?

This week we'll have:

  • BBQ beef sandwiches (from left over roast we had last week)
  • lasagne
  • shredded beef tacos
  • hamburgers and black eyed peas
  • white bean chicken chili
  • breaded chicken and mashed potatoes
  • chicken caesar wraps

I'm trying a few new things this week. We'll see how it goes. Maybe I'll have some new recipes for you.

Check out other menu plans at

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