Friday, December 11, 2009


It seems like these two lovlies spent their day waiting. Waiting, first, for breakfast. I got them up at the time we normally get up for school to get ready to have breakfast with Grandma & Grandpa Smith. Instead of having breakfast as part of their normal routine, they were asked to wait until we made our way across town.

After a very nice breakfast, I forced them to wait again. This time they waited for me to be done shopping at Michael's.

And then they waited for me to be done at Joann's ~ while I waited a millennium to have my fabric cut.

Finally, they were subjected to the longest wait of all. The wait for Chris to pick them up on her way home from work for a sleepover at Aunt Wendy's house.

Three-thirty could not come soon enough.

Chris called to tell me Gavin was asleep in the car. So we waited for her on the porch. They turned their wait into fun.

It was during this wait that I relished the last few moments of my day with these babies. During this wait, I just let myself be in the moment, not minding if the wait was just a little bit longer.

Sleepovers mean I get some time just for myself. I can read, sew, sleep, blog, watch a movie, or whatever and not worry about what I need to be doing for them. They get a break from me and I get a break from them. They can bicker in somebody else's company.

But as soon as they are gone? I can't wait for them to come back!

Oh, I am full of contradictions like that.

But next time you are waiting, slow down and pay attention to what there is to see while you wait. You just might see two sillies goofing off with their mama. Or you might see some other kind of wonder. Open your heart and look.

Now. If you will excuse me, I have some Christmas crafts that won't wait.

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