Monday, January 18, 2010

this one is for you, danny

After I posted the scary picture of my hand, Danny requested a picture of something else ~ anything else. I think he was scamming hoping to see pictures of the girls, but this is the perfect opportunity to show you my new set of bowls.

Greg and I didn't get each other Christmas presents this time in the traditional sense of a surprise-under-the-tree way. I saw a scrapbooking tool I wanted a month before Christmas and told him I wanted it for Christmas then proceeded to order it for myself. He wants some new tools and a fancy tool chest. We'll go shopping for that soon and work on it slowly all year.

We were in the housewares section of the store just after Christmas and I started drooling over this 10-piece nested bowl set. I petted it a little, then commented that I must be some sort of geek to get to excited over a bowl set. Since it was only $15 (that's only $1.50 per bowl), he said to stick it in the cart. Merry Christmas from the kids.

I love these bowls ~ especially the tiniest ones. Now I can pretend I have my own cooking show as I add spices and such. You're laughing because you think I am kidding, huh? Move over Rachael and Alton!


  1. Look at those precious bowls.

    PLEASE PLEASE tell me that you are really going to measure out your spices and dirty up the cute little bowls...just so that you can use them!!! :)

  2. Funny! My sister bought me a similar set for the very same purpose.


What do you have to say for yourself?