Tuesday, March 30, 2010

chicken and noodles

Do you have a go-to meal? You know, a meal that's a little more substantial than fend-for-yourself, the blue box (hi, Amber), or another kind of box?

A while back I was experimenting in the kitchen and came up with this recipe ~ for which we almost always have the ingredients on hand. It's probably a knock-off of something fabulous and I botched it up. And I never knew what to call it, so we call it Chicken and Noodles. It's a meal I hardly ever put on my menu plan, but is a regular attender at our dinner table when I don't know what else to make or don't feel like making much else.

2 chicken breasts - cubed
8 oz. penne or rigotoni noodles
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can sliced mushrooms
olive oil
worcestershire sauce
parmasean cheese
Montreal Chicken Seasoning

Start the water for the pasta. I like to use penne or rigotoni noodles, but really, any kind of noodle will do. Cook pasta according to package directions.

Cube raw chicken and sprinkle with Montreal Chicken Seasoning. Pour some olive oil in the pan and some worcestershire sauce ~ maybe 2 tablespoons of each. Cook chicken until done. The chicken will get a lovely color from the worcestershire sauce and caramelize just a little at the end. 

Once the chicken is done, pour in the cream of mushroom soup. Mix well, getting the browned bits from the bottom of the pan. Add the mushrooms, stir. When the noodles are done, stir those in as well. Heat for a minute or two. Sprinkle the top with the parmasean cheese. Turn off the heat and let it sit for just a minute to let the cheese start to melt before serving.

There you have it. Nothing fancy, but delicious.

Bon apetit!


  1. Thanks. I always need more easy and yummy recipies! I'll give it a go.
    Also, I know what you are making with your burned edge fabric. I made some a few months back! They turned out SO cute - for all ages too! Hope you're enjoying your break!

  2. Look how yummy that looks!!!

    Thanks for the shout-out! I'm so excited to be changing the world one blue box at a time.

  3. This is very close to my recipe for tuna and noodles (minus the worcestershire). I'll have to sub chicken next time and see how it works for my tribe :)

  4. We made this last night and we all loved it!! Thanks so much! What else ya got? :)


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