Monday, January 17, 2011

menu plan monday - january 17

Eat from the Pantry-schmantry.


Ugh! This concept isn't exactly working out for us this month. Our grocery bill has defiantly risen above my $400 goal for the month ~ and we still have one more shopping trip in this month left. Part of the problem is that our grocery store is having case sales and other good deals. Greg says it's a ploy because they read blogs too and know that we are all trying to cut back in January after a spendalicious December. But good stock up deals are hard to resist when it means saving money in the long run. We are, however, still within the limits of our regular grocery budget. So maybe February will be the actual Eat from the Pantry month for us.

On our plates this week will be:

  • chicken marsala
  • sloppy joes
  • alfredo chicken bake
  • grilled cheese & soup
  • bean & rice burritos
  • grilled chicken, broccoli, and roasted potatoes
  • beef stir fry (One of these days I'm actually going to make this!)

For other meal planning ideas, be sure to visit


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