Wednesday, August 3, 2011

you've got to read this!

I might have a little bit of a crush on this man!

Oh, it's okay. Greg knows all about it.

Plus, it's purely educational.

His previous two books are truly motivational and so quick to read.  This one is no exception. I saw The End of Molasses Classes on Amazon a few months ago and pre-ordered it right then and there.

This has been a perfect book to read just before the beginning of a new school year and the beginning of my new-again 4th grade experience. Even though the summer has done an amazing job of refreshing and reenergizing my spirit, reading a back-to-school book helped really get me in the mood for teaching. It reminded me of why I chose teaching as a profession in the first place ~ because let's be honest, it wasn't about the prestige and the money!

Ron Clark's approach to education is grounded, yet unconventional. He may bust a move on the tops of desks and have an amazing electric blue tube slide in the middle of his school, but he demands respect and hard work from his students. And they are glad to give it to him.

Teachers ~ I challenge you to get this book now and read it before school starts! Even if you come away with only one idea you can integrate into your classroom, it will have been worth the money for the book and the time to read it. You will not be sorry. I'm pretty certain, though, that you will come away with more than one idea.

Parents ~ This is a good book for you as well. Right in the middle, Ron Clark addresses some of your concerns and ways you can help your child be more successful in school.

I'm looking forward to more *Tales from the Schoolyard* posts, are you?


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