Friday, November 25, 2011


We cooked it.

We marveled in its beauty.

We ate it.

We filled our house with people. There were twenty-three of us to be exact.

Moms, dads, grandparents, brothers, sisters, cousins, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles ~ all the likes.

These two are adding to our family.  Kayla & Andrew's baby girl is due in the spring.  I can't wait.

Everyone had a nice time ~ relaxing, laughing, catching up with each other.

We have so much to be thankful for, it's hard to even know where to begin. I am so thankful for this guy. He gets me. He keeps me grounded while letting me soar and be myself. He works hard to provide for our home and keep everyone in it safe and loved. He is my soul mate.

Greg usually sweet-talks his dad into carving the turkey. Clearly, Jim really enjoys this job. We cooked the turkey on the rotisserie again. Oh. my. word. Such a tender, juicy bird.

Some little people refused to eat. Like this one...

and this one. That's ok. Stay away from the Aunt Nell's salad. More for me.

We were able to get almost everybody seated in the same room. I'm hoping Wendy didn't mind me sitting on her lap!

Jared hunkered down with his plate for some serious eating. The only thing that makes a cook happier than a plate piled high is the empty plate at the end of the meal. His was empty.

I tried a couple of new recipes this year. The praline yams are a absolutely a keeper. At the last minute I tried the recipe on the can since I had all the ingredients handy. It was so good. The dressing recipe needs to be tweaked. I like mine dryish, but most everyone else likes theirs more moist. I tried a new one that was more moist and cooked in the crock pot. Perfect, right? It ended up being a little too moist. Greg said the flavor was great but we need to work on the moist factor. I wouldn't know. I didn't go anywhere near it with a fork cuz it was too mushy.

After dinner, the kids put on a fashion show for us. They came down several times in various outfits.

Someone asked where they got so much stuff. Let's see, Halloween costumes...dress up clothes...they keep everything for play.

Gavin couldn't get enough of the witch's hat.

As another Thanksgiving dinner at the Robinson's comes to a close, we are reminded of our blessings both big and small. Take a minute to count your blessings too.


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