Saturday, February 11, 2012

instagram time

My instagram week only has three pictures this time. That does not indicate that this week was any shorter than the others. 

Besides, three pictures is more than none. 

I worked briefly on crafty items last weekend. There's a spring craft show I'm getting ready for. I spent the whole of  Saturday working on the yearbook instead of crafty things ~ which coincidentally is due the same weekend as the craft show. Can you see how I might be conflicted about how to spend my time?

Do you ever drink these? I only buy them when they are on sale. And only two flavors. Pina colada and strawberry daiquiri. So, so yummy.

This one reminds me of summer. Not that I spend my time sitting on a beach sipping umbrella drinks or anything. But still. Summer.

Which we might have in a couple of weeks if the weather keeps behaving the way it is. Yesterday and today we have temps in the 70s instead of the usual cold, windy, crappy weather. Lunch duty with 70 degrees is pretty nice.

See this? This was a good idea gone all kinds of wrong. The other day Greg complained mentioned that we eat the same thing all the time. I'm pretty sick of our repertoire too, but I haven't felt especially culinary lately. Actually I've been feeling who-cares-if-we-eat-dinner lately.

So, I was thinking I'd make these gourmet grilled chicken sandwiches on ciabatta bread. With chipotle mayonnaise. And provolone cheese. Tomatoes. Lettuce.

So fancy.

Here's a kitchen tip for you ~ when you buy fancy three-dollar artisan bread on Sunday, it will be as a hard as a rock when you finally get around to making those delightful sandwiches on Thursday. Buh bye three dollars in the trash can.  Good thing we had some hamburger buns ~ with sesame seeds.

And while I was making the chipotle mayo, I put a between a quarter and half a cup of mayo in a ramekin and was getting ready to put the chipotle pepper seasoning in. I grabbed the half teaspoon and got it all filled up. At that point Greg inquired whether or not there was a recipe ~ did I know how much to use. No, silly boy, I'm winging' it here. He tells me that looks like an awful lot of spice. I think for a minute about the word "pepper" on the can and reconsider. He's probably right. So I only put a quarter of a teaspoon in. Good thing too, cuz that was borderline too spicy.


Yes, another and.

When I grilled the chicken I didn't think about the thickness. We ended up with really thick pieces of chicken! Next time, I'll have filet the chicken into thinner pieces.

Next time? With a dinner full of errors as this, you think there will be a next time? Yes! They tasted delicious! We just need to work out the kinks ~ with different bread and thinner chicken.

What did you cook this week?

Now, I'm off to craft, work on the yearbook, craft, work on the yearbook do something.

Linking up with Life Rearranged.

life rearranged

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What do you have to say for yourself?