Wednesday, July 4, 2012

and i'll say it again

The kids had their dance recital this past weekend. I know I've said this all before, but I'll say it again. I love their dance recitals. I am one proud mama sitting in the audience with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes as they show what they've worked so hard on for the past year. 

Heather was in the tap/jazz class again this year. Her class performed two separate numbers ~ one tap and one jazz. That girl can really move those feet in a pair of tap shoes. This year she learned how to do wings.

And she has the highest kicks in her jazz number. Very limber, this girl.

Stephanie took ballet again. Their dance was a little more modern than it has been in years past.

But still.

Be still my heart.

She is the youngest and smallest girl in her class. Her teacher choreographed a lift into the dance, so she was the one they lifted.

She works hard to keep up with the girls who have had ballet more years than her. She dances with emotion and really feels the music.

Their separate classes really suit them. 

Side note: Stephanie and Heather were almost the same height at the beginning of the school year. Stephanie has recently shot up in height! So much that she got dress-coded in the last weeks of school because her skirt was too short. She was so mad about that!

Their gymnastics number was to the song "Welcome to the Jungle." Perfect costumes, don't you think?

Even though they prefer different styles of dance, they both love to take gymnastics. They also like being able to take this class together.

Aren't they pretty?

There are times when I complain about driving 50-mile round trip to the dance studio to sit on a hard bench for 3 hours at a time after a long day at work.

But really, it's been worth it.

The skills and confidence they've learned while dancing are immeasurable. The life lessons they've learned in the dance studio ~ especially that little in life comes easily ~ are priceless. The friendships they've formed with other girls and their teachers are irreplaceable. The joy I get watching them practice and perform is immense.

Some dance days end in tears because what they are learning is tough stuff. Some dance days end with, "Mom, did you see that?!" Some dance days end with exclamations about how much fun they had. Most dance days end with one or both of them falling asleep in the car on the way home. Every dance day is worth it and I'm pretty certain they feel the same way.

That being said, it's nice to be off for the month of July. They have a chance to get pumped up and excited for the coming year. I get to stay home and sit on my comfy couch on dance nights for a month. Win-win, really.

And here's an out take. This was supposed to be a sweet sister moment, but apparently Stephanie's kiss was a little too juicy for Heather's taste and left her cheek wet!



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