Wednesday, May 12, 2010

a little bit of library snobbery

(picture from last year)

We are planning a camping trip soon. Both kids are quite excited about the trip, but Heather is showing it more. Earlier this week before her class went to the school library she told me she planned to check out books about camping and about where we are going.

After library period I saw her and asked about what books she checked out. With a snarl she showed me her book about National Park Rangers. While interesting, I'm sure, it was not what she had in mind. Disgusted with the school library selection of camping literature, she requested a trip to the public library after school. 

Be still my beating heart! I always get a geeky rush when the girls ask to go to the library. Oh!

So we squeezed in a library trip between school and dance. She got two books about camping and two books about our destination. We also requested a few other books and a DVD from other branches. 

On the way to dance she read to us about how to make a foil meal of hamburger, potatoes, and carrots.  (She recited this same recipe by heart to Greg later in the evening when we got home.) She also read to us about how to keep our food safe from bears by hoisting it in a tree. Then she expressed her concern about getting too close to any deer just in case they attack. She did not fall asleep on the way to dance, as usual, because she was too engrossed in her new books.

All is well.

1 comment:

  1. I love the library. It's truly one of my favorite places to be.

    And from experience, those foil wrapped burger things need lots of salt and pepper to make them palatable.

    the six-year veteran of Pioneer Girls


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