Monday, May 10, 2010

menu plan monday - may 10

We are busy this week! Besides the normal dance classes, we are going to band and orchestra concerts at the school Stephanie will attend next year so she can decide which she she wants to take. Plus, if she chooses band, there's a little workshop to help her decide which instrument is best for her. So our meals need to be quick and easy this week so Mr. B. Mac doesn't sneak into our meal plan like he did last week when I was lazy on a dance night!

Let's try this:

  • BBQ chicken (crockpot)
  • beef quesadillas (with leftover roast from last week)
  • crescent chicken
  • chicken/rice/gravy
  • tostadas
For other great meal planning ideas, visit

1 comment:

  1. Yum. Your menu is similar to ours this week. We're having chicken quesadillas. I've never thought of trying beef :) I've always wanted to try tostadas...I'll have to add that to the menu for the month. Thanks!

    If you have time, stop by my blog and enter my giveaway!


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