Monday, July 26, 2010

menu plan monday ~ july 26

It's been a while since I've planned an official menu. Since I have a little more time on my hands these days (yay, summer!), it's a good time to refocus my efforts in this area. I'm also going to be planning a cooking day in the next few weeks to get some meals in the freezer for when school and dance start up again. I'm also still hoping to shave our monthly grocery budget down ~ way down. I also want to explore bread making some more & try out some different recipes, especially since I bought the brick of yeast from Costco!

This week we'll have:

  • BBQ ribs in the crockpot 
  • crescent chicken
  • chef salad
  • tacos
  • homemade chicken noodle soup
  • roast with mashed potatoes & gravy

We are still working on eating the beef cuts that we had in the freezer prior to buying our quarter cow. Except for hamburger meat, we haven't used any of the new beef. The hamburger meat was really good, by the way.

As always, visit for more menu ideas or to participate in Menu Plan Monday yourself. I get some new ideas for meals by reading what other people are doing.

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