Friday, May 30, 2014

five for friday: school is almost out

1.  School is almost out and it is a toss-up regarding who is more excited - the teachers or the students. I'm putting my money on the teachers. We really need summer break. I really need people to stop calling me Mrs. Robinson for a little while. 

2. I am working on some new crafty things and of course am looking forward to summer so time will be more of a friend to me and I can get more done - without feeling guilty about ignoring lesson plans and grading. 

3. Just where did this year go? It seems like school started - each of us on our own new adventure - then I blinked and the year is over. I guess I must have been having fun. 

4. I'm also looking forward to spending more time with the girls - time not spent hounding them about doing homework and putting their best foot forward. We haven't done our summer list yet, but I do know that it will include lots of relaxing and fun, plus getting a jump on the community service that is required by each of their school programs. 

5. Three more days. Have I mentioned that school is out very soon? Three more days! I'm so thrilled not to be moving grade levels or classrooms this year that I have been procrastinating getting my room summer-ready. Hmmm - I might have to be spending some quality time in the schoolhouse this weekend. 

Or not. 

We'll see how confident I feel about my ability to hustle my fanny throughout the three days we have left. 

I did mention that school is out in three days, right?


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

dear interwebs

It seems as though it's been a while since I've shown my face 'round these parts. Bloggy things usually tend to slow down a little when school starts, but this is an unprecedented silence for me.

Me? Be silent for so long?


Turns out I was ill-prepared for the changes taking place in our lives this year. Between me switching grades for the third. year. in. a. row, Heather starting middle school, and Stephanie starting high school, things are a little busy. I'm hanging on to that merry-go-round by my toenails, my arms and hair flying wildly in the wind. Meanwhile, the playground bullies are pushing the thing faster and faster as they simultaneously spray me in the face with the hose. Every once in a while I catch a glimpse of sanity, but it vanishes just as quickly as it appeared.

The three of us girls are enjoying this new chapter in our school lives. There are, as always, things we could do without. Stephanie could do without her science class. Heather could do without her math class. And I could do without some behavior issues (both in kids and adults!). But, I guess those are the things that build character.


That's what I keep telling myself, anyway.

I am confident that moving to 3rd grade has been the best thing for me. So far it has been what I expected - the best parts I loved about both 2nd grade and 4th grade all rolled into one. I have a great class this year. They are well-behaved & have the good sense to pretend that I am funny when I think I am. And they are pretty funny themselves!

Stephanie played volleyball on the freshman team in the fall and loved it. She is fierce! (I found out that I loved being a volleyball mom, too.) She's going to try out for JV next year. She is performing in the dance troupe in the spring musical performance of The Music Man. Can't wait for that!

Heather has taken up the saxophone in beginning band. She's pretty awesome! She tried tennis, but found out it wasn't really her thing. She wants to play volleyball like Stephanie when she gets to high school. She is currently killing the mile when they run it in P.E. She runs it in 6 minutes and something seconds. Holy lightning feet, Batman!

And Greg? He's doing his best to make sense of all the female hormones raging inside casa de Robinson. That's not an easy job, let me tell you! He keeps the balance.

There's the quick catch up.

It's report card season and I'm mired in the muck of grading. So if you'll excuse me, the school bus is coming down the street and my homework isn't done.

See you in the schoolyard.