Sunday, August 17, 2008

mistreating the class room

The Nester is at it again. This time she's having a Mistreatment Party. For those of you who are unaware, a window mistreatment is a covering that is a little unconventional. Something that would make a professional decorator shudder with horror. Maybe you used a glue gun, didn't hem the fabric, or even used a stapler to put up those mistreatments. Here is The Nester's definition of a mistreatment:

Mistreatment: (n). covering for a window that is quick, cheap and pretty. may or may not need hardware. does not require sewing. a real designer's worst nightmare.

Mistreating: (v): the act of treating a window with dignity and respect without having to use the  following: hundreds of dollars, sewing, time, crying, divorce, child neglect...

I hope she doesn't mind that I copied her definition here for your understanding.

Can you believe this? Not one window in my house has any type of treatment other than blinds! Wait, let me go check. Nope. Not one spec of fabric near a window. What kind of decorator am I? How could I cheat my family this way? Being indecisive about what I want is probably the answer here. I may have commitment issues where window treatments are concerned. I really need to get over that.

But I did mistreat my class room windows last year. Since I'm having the same western theme in my class this year, I can still show them to you. There are a few windows, high up, on one wall of my class. I folded a bandana diagonally and stapled it up there. In a class room, the stapler is the tool of choice. No shame there. 

This window was longer than the others and required two bandanas to do the job. 

The colors alternate across the wall of windows.

See? All nice and westerny. Cheap and easy. Tracking down the ladder from the custodian and lugging it to my class room was more difficult than mistreating these windows!

I think this bandana idea would look so cute in a little boy's western themed bedroom. You could drape them over a simple curtain rod or staple them to a cornice board. Heck! Just staple them right into the wall. You could dress it up with leather cording, conchos, and such.

Now hop on over to the Mistreatment Party to see how others are mistreating their windows. 


Angela said...

That looks fantastic! Nice job :)

The Berry's Patch said...

Great idea for the classroom!

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

Oh my, I want you for a teacher. What a fun and cheery room!

Lady Dorothy said...


Anonymous said...

Adorable! Your kids are going to love it - and you. Happy school year!

Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said...

Wow! That is so cute! LOVE the bandanas!

Bonita said...

Well, aren't you clever to take mistreatments into the classroom! You might be training up a whole new generation of mistreaters!

Every time I go to Hobby Lobby I look at the bandanas and keep trying to think of a place in my house where I could use them as a window mistreatment. Glad you found a place!

The Nester said...

well done! yes the actual mistreating is the easy part!

Screaming Meme said...

Looks good...The kids will love it! Screaming Meme

Gretchen said...

Ohh! I'm so jealous!!! I was planning on doing the western thing this year in my classroom but couldn't find enough stuff. Went with the fish theme instead. Now I wish I had stuck with my original plan.

The curtains look great!!! Fabulous idea!

Melissa said...

I love the bandana idea! Great job!

Jo said...

Great idea!

Deb said...

Wow, fun idea. I miss my classroom. That would be a whole other room to decorate.

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

Nice job--and terrific that you can reuse the decorations again this year.

~ Sarah

Meghan said...

How super fun!

Nichole said...


Wifeof1Momof4 said...

Great job! I used to love my teachers who had "decorated" rooms. My mom was a teacher too and loved to do this same kinda thing. Have a great school year!

His Doorkeeper said...

To think I use to make curtains for my windows at school when I taught school....I would probably "misteat" them now!!

Your western theme is sooo cute!
Great Job!

Tanya said...

I love your western theme. It's so great when teacher's really decorate their rooms. I used to teach high school, and I was one of the only ones who still decorated for the big kids. Looks good!

Kathi Roach said...

That looks great! Love the western theme. What a great idea. :)

Anonymous said...

love it!

enjoy the mistreatment party

"Intentionally Katie" said...

So creative!